door sign painter’s kit

No door sign painter’s kit is cotn- j)lete without that most valu- able article, the chamois skin, for wiping and drying glass and other surfaces.

A small alcohol lamp is gen- erally carried in the kit for boiling and making water size.

A soft sponge is another very essential thing in the kit and is used for washing glass signs and on window work.

door sign painter’s kit

Dainp windows in cold, changeable weather should be kept dry with an electrical fan.

Sign rods for swinging signs should be made of gaspipe, supported by chain or wire cable, using small turnbuckle to tighten and level signs.

Ne\er add oil to asphaltum It will retard the drying. Add rubbing \arnish or quick size to insure hardness.

Asphaltum is used for glass. o\ er color and gold, and sliould be ajiplied thin.

Never buy your staple colors in one pound cans, if it is pos- sible to get them in five pound press cans. This will avoid waste and is much more con- \enient, it being best to get most any color in japan or oil put up in five pound press cans.

Don’t use cutting in color that has been standing for sev- eral days. It should be made up fre^h for most every job. and will avoid trouble, as it be- comes fat and li.ard to wnrk.

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